Lily's Eyes



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Started August 4th 2005

The Help Lily Immigrate from China to America Fund
Current Donations : $0

A picture of Lily.
A chat log from after the first time she saw the site.
Some of your concerns are answered here.

This site has one purpose; to help raise money for Lily so she can immigrate from China to America.

The short story is Lily needs money for all the expenses associated with moving from one country to another. As you can imagine, it's a lot of money.

Currently Lily lives and works in Shanghai but would much rather be in America, can you blame her ? Lily would probably be making this web page herself given that she's a smart person but alas, Lily has no home computer (yet, we talk when she's at work).

I am Lily's friend in America, I've never met or spoken to her in real life we chit chat on Yahoo Instant Messenger. After talking to her for a bit I found myself compelled to make this page for her.


Chances are you've helped strangers throughout you life. Conversely you've also been helped by strangers [even if you didn't know it]. Pretty much this entire country was founded on one theme : Strangers helping each other for a better life because we're all in this together.

If you and I are similar you've probably given homeless people money. Over time you've probably given more money to homeless people than you could even imagine.

If you're kind enough to donate you'd be giving a small fraction of what you doled out to homeless people. But this time for someone who wants to leave China (glorious old China) and come work in America. And given that Lily is smart, she'll probably be doing something important.

Sounds good right ?

Maybe you should tell a friend (wink wink). But seriously, Lily can use all the help she can get.

© 2005

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Started August 5th 2005